
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Geeking-Up on RubyOnRails in MCR

So here I am in Manchester at MDDA for a (free) training day on Ruby and Rails - organised by those nice people. A few of them are familiar from my recent trip to d.Construct, so it'll be good to renew some acquantances. An early start, but the journey up up the train along the hope valley line was stunning - mist clearing, sun rising etc.

I've had a quick play with Rails, but haven't really dived into Ruby yet - the syntax looks a tad weird, but I think Prototype has some Ruby-like stuff in it. So here goes...

Tags :

Friday, September 15, 2006

Multi-Packing it in the Midlands!

After grumbling to a few people at dConstruct that there didn't seem to be much web community activity in the Midlands, I've actually found a group called Multipack from a story on Simon Jobling's rather neat site. They're meeting up in Wolverhampton on 14th October for a 1st birthday social - so I guess it would be a bit rude not too...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I've been d.construct-ed (My trip to d.construct06) part 2 - APIs, Microformats (in the park) and Flex(ible) Mashups

So, I'm back in the theatre after bumping into Craig Morey and co from Mindworks, slightly squashed in with my excessive luggage (damn - should've left everything in the cloakroom). Next.

Web Services for Fun and Profit by Paul Hammond and Simon Willison

A pretty interesting and inspiring session looking at the what APIs are, what you can do with mash-ups. Largely from a Yahoo! perspective (not surprising since both the guys work there!) the talk was light on technical detail, but interesting in the way that Yahoo! approach this area of innovation - who days where developers get the chance to try out and show their ideas - great!

Perhaps more interesting was the Q & A session afterwards - most interesting for me was the question of how to convince the big cheeses to free up their data and make it available through APIs. Still not sure there's a killer business arguement here - the normal ones are tend to run along the lines of "other people will scrape your site so you might as well make the data available - t'll cost you less, and you can keep an eye on them". I guess the best one (which is a bit more subtle, is the fact that (as long as you can ensure a path back through you site, like Amazon do) you could end up generating even more business by being ore open.

The Joy of API by Jeremy Keith

Continuing o neatly from Paul and Simon's talk, Jeremy Keith delivered an entertaining and inspiring talk going into a bit more depth about how to make a start on using and even building an API. Most interesting was his evangelistic take on Microformats. I'd heard of Microformats before, but wasn't entirely clear about what they were - much less what to do with them. This was a good start, but then...

Microformats Picnic

Following an invite from Mr.Keith (and after a quick dash for a bagel/sandwich/burger etc.) a pretty decent sized crowd gather in the pavillion gardens behind the Dome Theatre and in with the back drop of (guess what) the Pavillion. Laid back, but inspiring, and making the best of some great weather I learnt more.

Simply put, Microformats are a set of standards based on very smple semantic mark-up of XHTML to solve the problem of making it easily readable by external applications - a bit like an API!

It got me thinking - but more about that at a later date.

After lunch, things got even more interesting... that's in part 3

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Technorati Profile

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I've been d.construct-ed (My trip to d.construct06) part 1

It's been about a day since I've returned from Brighton and I'm still slightly reeling from from the whirlwind of web-wonder that was d.construct06. It was a great chance to meet a whole load of web people, drink, learn about some really interesting stuff (web related of course) and then meet more people and drink some more. What more could you ask for!

It all started well with a pre-conference knees-up at the supperfiacially gothic "Heist" bar on Thursday. There, my comrade from NEP/A.N.D. Duncan and I met some great people within minutes - including Phil Winstanley, Dave Sussman and Dave Verwer. For starters, most of them were Microsoft developers and mostly from up North! So, at a conference where the most common latop was an iBook/powerbook we weren't alone. We had a few beers and good gas about techy and non-techy things - including me blabing on about the wonders of Reveal Records (in Derby) and the mighty Tunng - sorry guys! Even though I lightweight-ed and left pretty early I still woke up feeling pretty damn rough the next day!

So, we trundled round the corner to the Corn Exchange, only to be met by a queue of eager "geeks" - some already clutching their goody bags. The anticipation mounted and the queues lengthened. When inside the pretty spatious, laden with the said bags of stuff and refreshed by tea/coffee the real thing started, so here's the real review:

Session 1 : "Web Services: Fuelling Innovation and Entrepreneurship" by Jeff Barr

This was largely about the various Amazon Web Services. Most notably:

Mr.Barr's session was pretty interesting, despite largely being a sales pitch for Amazon. It's unlikely many us there would have access to the raw computing power needed for applications at that scale, but there's a few possible ideas and a few wow's to be had in looking at them. Also, the brilliant Sheep Market project - a collection of 10,000 (count them!) drawings of sheep gathered using the Mechanical Turk!

Whilst this was going on I managed to make use of the free wireless internet access to upload my first batch of pics to Flickr. As has been noted elsewhere the laptop of choice was of the Apple brand - so I guess I was in the minority there! But it was great to have this facility.

So far, so good, and my head was starting to clear!

More fun in part 2 later...

Technorati Tags :

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

innerHTML Concatenation Confusion!

For a long time I've tended to do the majority of my DOM manipulation using the innerHTML properties on existing DIVs pre-placed into an HTML document. This seems to have been fine on the whole - and (I believe) can have some performance advantages.

However, recently, I've been building a paged "list view" widget thingamy to go along side a Google Map result display - i.e. plot the points on the map and list the results next to it too. I wanted to build up the list as a block of HTML added into a pre-existing DIV using statements of the style :

$("myListDiv").innerHTML += "[the list control HTML]";

But I also thought I could use Prototype's 'Insertion' class to insert certain blocks into the flow - in this case the div that contains the status information in the form "You are viewing page x of y" and the navigation links (the first/previous/next/last")

I tried for ages using Insertion.Top(), Insertion.Before(), Insertion.After() etc. and the divs just kept appearing on the page in the same place.... grrrrrrrr!!!

Then I realised that if you use innerHTML concatination like this:

$("myOuterDiv").innerHTML += "<div id=\"myInnerDiv\">";
$("myOuterDiv").innerHTML += "A whole load of content";
$("myOuterDiv").innerHTML += "</div>";

The div I openned at the start automatically gets closed straight away by the browser's DOM engine - I didn't expect that! So, the easy way around that is to build up the HTML into a string, then concatenate this in using the '.inerHTML +=' way, everything is cool and groovy.

I guess this may be obvious, but it left me cursing Prototype for a while, and wondering whether I had the latest version.

On an asside to this I wonder why the Prototype site still says the current version is only 1.4.0, when uses at least version V1.5_rc5?!